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lunch: it’s not barbecue…

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

…without the coleslaw.

9-22, it's not bbq...

9-22, it's not bbq...

today’s lunch is leftover barbecue pulled pork from our House season six premiere get-together last night, topped with pepper jack cheese and coleslaw. i used to have no concept of the slaw+barbecue combination until i lived in the south (i.e. South Carolina), and now i don’t want my pulled pork sandwich any other way. i’ve had a slaw dog before, but it’s also very tasty with some cooked-all-day-in-the-crockpot-barbecue. yum. also part of my lunch were carrots and pretzels. i probably could’ve thrown cucumber in there, but i thought hubby would want the last slices instead. maybe.

i really wanted some ginger ale for whatever reason, but the CVS across the way from the office was out. i settled for Sprite instead. it just wasn’t the same.

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